p 简介:
1995.7-2008.9 呼兰学院物理系
2008.9-现在 哈尔滨师范大学物理系
2012.7-2013.7 和2016.1-2016.7 香港大学物理系 访问
1.黑龙江教育厅项目, 耦合量子点体系中自旋极化输运性质的理论研究,2010/01-2012/12,项目负责人
3.黑龙江科技厅项目, 量子点体系自旋极化和检测的研究2009/01-2011/12,项目负责人
4.国家自然科学基金项目, 近相界弛豫铁电PMN-PT单晶自洽全矩阵电机系数测试方法与理论,2007/01-2009/12, 参加人
5. 黑龙江教育厅项目,电学方法实现量子点中自旋态调控和检测的理论研究2014/01-2016/12,项目负责人
1 Huan Wang, Jia Zhou, Xiaojie Liu, Chengbao Yao, Hua Li, Li Niu, Yin Wang, and Haitao Yin*, Spin transport through a junction entirely consisting of molecules from first principles,Appl. Phys. Lett 111, 172408 (2017)
2 Haitao Yin, Junli Chen, Yin Wang, Jian Wang and Hong Guo, Composition dependent band offsets of ZnO and its ternary alloys, Scientific Reports,7, 41567(2017)
3 Li Niu, Huan Wang, Lina Bai, Ximing Rong, Xiaojie Liu, Hua Li, Haitao Yin*, Spin filtering in transition-metal phthalocyanine molecules from first principles,Front. Phys. 12(4), 127207 (2017)
4 Haitao Yin, Zhongqiu Liu, Lifeng Feng, Huijie Xue, Hua Li, and Xiaojie Liu, Probing an individual electron spin state in a quantum dot with spin bias, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 18, 2096–2099 (2018)
5 Yin Wang, Haitao Yin*, Ronggen Cao, Ferdows Zahid, Yu Zhu,Lei Liu, Jian Wang, and Hong Guo, Electronic structure of III-V zinc-blende semiconductors from first principles, Phys. Rev. B 87, 235203(2013)
6 Xiaofei Wang, Xiaojie Liu, Xueyang Zhao,Haitao Yin*, Weilong Wan, and Li Feng Spin-Dependent Quantum Interference in Aharonov-Bohm Ring Embedded with Two Double-Quantum-Dot Molecules, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 14, 2674–2678 (2014)
7 Xiao-Jie Liu, Haitao Yin*, Wei-Long Wan, Hua Li, Xian-Zhang Wang, and Cheng-Bao Yao, Kondo effect in a double quantum dot interferometer with Rashba spin–orbit interaction , Phys. Status Solidi B 248: 1735 ~1739 (2011)
8 Haitao Yin, Xiao-Jie Liu, Li-Feng Feng, Tian-Quan Lü, Hua Li, Spin-dependent Kondo effect induced by Rashba spin-orbit interaction in parallel coupled double quantum dots, Phys. Lett. A 374: 2865~2873 (2010).
9 Haitao Yin, Tianquan Lü, Xiaojie Liu, Huijie Xue, Quantum interference through parallel coupled double quantum dots with Rashba spin-orbit interaction, Phys. Status Solidi B, 247: 150 ~156(2010).
10 Haitao Yin, Tian-Quan Lü,Pu-Nan Sun, Xiao-Jie Liu,Hui-Jie Xue. Spin-dependent Fano effect through parallel-coupled double quantum dots. Phys. Lett. A , 373: 3085~3090(2009).
11 Haitao Yin, Tian-Quan Lü,Xiao-Jie Liu,Hui-Jie Xue, Voltage-controllable spin-polarized transport through parallel-coupled double quantum dots with Rashba spin-orbit interaction, Phys. Lett. A,373:285-291(2009).
12.Haitao Yin, Tian-Quan Lü,Xiao-Jie Liu,Hui-Jie Xue, Spin accumulation in a double quantum dot Aharonov-Bohm interferometer, Chin.Phys.Lett.26:047302(2009).
13.Lina Bai, Haitao Yin and Xitian Zhang, Energy storage performance of Vn+1Cn monolayer as electrode material studied by first-principles calculations, RSC Adv. 6, 54999(2016)
14 Chengbao Yao, Yundong Zhang, Haitao Yin, Qingyu Meng, Changqiu Yu, Jin Li and Ping Yuan, Third-order nonlinear optical properties and optical limiting behavior of 1,1-feroocenedicarbaldehyde, Chem. Phys. Lett. 576, 35-38 (2013)