职  称:副教授






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  • 科研项目
    1. 黑龙江省自然科学基金项目“量子点体系自旋极化及检测试理论研究”(批准号:200939,2010年1月—2012年12月,4万),主要参加人
    2. 国家青年基金项目 一维IB和IIIA族金属掺杂ZnO微纳材料多光子吸收和载流子超快动力学过程的研究,主要参加人
    1 Haitao Yin, Zhongqiu Liu, Lifeng Feng, Huijie Xue, Hua Li, and Xiaojie Liu*, Probing an individual electron spin state in a quantum dot with spin bias, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 18, 2096–2099 (2018)
     2 Huan Wang, Jia Zhou, Xiaojie Liu*, Chengbao Yao, Hua Li, Li Niu, Yin Wang, and Haitao Yin, Spin transport through a junction entirely consisting of molecules from first principles,Appl. Phys. Lett 111, 172408 (2017)
     3 Li Niu, Huan Wang, Lina Bai, Ximing Rong, Xiaojie Liu*, Hua Li, Haitao Yin, Spin filtering in transition-metal phthalocyanine molecules from first principles,Front. Phys. 12(4), 127207 (2017)
     4 Xueyang Zhao, Xiaofei Wang, Xiaojie Liu*, Haitao Yin,Li Feng, Fenglan Wang, and Weilong Wan, Electronic Transport Through a Benzene-Shaped Quantum Dots System, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 14, 2658–2662, 2014
     5.Xiaojie Liu, Hai-Tao Yin, Wei-Long Wan, Hua Li, Xian-Zhang Wang, and Cheng-Bao Yao, Kondo effect in a double quantum dot interferometer with Rashba spin–orbit interaction , Phys. Status Solidi B 248: 1735-1739 (2011)
     6 Xiaojie Liu, Xue-Yang Zhao, Xiao-Fei Wang, Hui-Jie Xue, Li-Feng Feng, Di Zhang and Hua Li, Spin polarization in a double-quantum dot interferometer with Rashba spin-orbit interaction,Phys. Scr. 85,055704(2012)
     7 Haitao Yin, Xiaojie Liu, Li-Feng Feng, Tian-Quan Lü, Hua Li, Spin-dependent Kondo effect induced by Rashba spin-orbit interaction in parallel coupled double quantum dots, Phys. Lett. A 374: 2865-2873 (2010).
     8 Haitao Yin, Tianquan Lü, Xiaojie Liu, Huijie Xue, Quantum interference through parallel coupled double quantum dots with Rashba spin-orbit interaction, Phys. Status Solidi B, 247: 150 -156(2010).
     9 Haitao Yin, Tian-Quan Lü,Pu-Nan Sun, Xiaojie Liu,Hui-Jie Xue. Spin-dependent Fano effect through parallel-coupled double quantum dots. Phys. Lett. A , 373:3085-3090(2009).
     10 Haitao Yin, Tian-Quan Lü,Xiaojie Liu,Huijie Xue, Voltage-controllable spin-polarized transport through parallel-coupled double quantum dots with Rashba spin-orbit interaction, Phys. Lett. A,373:285-291(2009).
     11.Haitao Yin, Tian-Quan Lü,Xiaojie Liu,Hui-Jie Xue, Spin accumulation in a double quantum dot Aharonov-Bohm interferometer, Chin.Phys.Lett.26:047302(2009).
     12 Haitao Yin, Xiaojie Liu*, Weilong Wan, Chengbao Yao, Lina Bai, Hua Li, Yongqi Yin, Theoretical Study on the Transport Through a Quantum Dots Array with a Side Quantum Dot, Advanced Materials Research, 340, 331-336(2012) 