职  称:教授


徐玲玲,教授,硕士/博士导师。2011年9月至2012年8月作为首批省内访问学者在哈尔滨工业大学访学并获得优秀学员称号。2014年6月至2015年10月受黑龙江省地方属本科高校战略后备人才出国研修资助项目资助在德国亚琛工业大学进行访问研究。任2019第二届能源与环境催化会议 组委会秘书长;国家自然科学基金通讯评议人;中国感光学会会员。十多种国际杂志如:Nano Energy、J. Mater. Chem. A、ACS Applied Energy Mater.、ACS Sus. Chem. Eng.、Ceram. Inter.、Materials Letters、J. Alloys Compds、Mater. Design等审稿人 1999.09-2003.07 北华大学 物理学 学士 2003.08-2005.07 哈尔滨工业大学 凝聚态物理 硕士 2005.08-2008.07 哈尔滨工业大学 光学 博士 2008.07-2012.12 哈尔滨师范大学 讲师 2013.01-2016.09 哈尔滨师范大学 副教授 2014.03-2015.8 德国亚琛工业大学 访问学者 2016.09-至今 哈尔滨师范大学 教授 2020.08-至今 哈尔滨师范大学 博士生导师 2014年3月-2015年8月德国亚琛工业大学 物理化学所 访问学者





  • 1. 纳米银修饰Bi2O3基可见光催化剂的制备、性能和增强机制研究51102069	国家自然科学基金	2012.1-2014.12
    2. 稀土掺杂Bi2O3中空微球异质结构调控及光催化机理研究A2015005	黑龙江省科技厅	2016.7-2018.7
    3. 铁基电催化剂修饰纳米片阵列的界面调控和光电催化性质研究LH2021E092	黑龙江省科技厅	2021.7-2024.7
    4. 纳米Pd、Pt修饰的ZnO花状多孔结构的构筑及气敏性研究GZ09A203	黑龙江省科技厅	2009.12-2011.12
    5. Bi2O3/ZnO复合光催化材料的制备、性质和机理研究 12511164	黑龙江省教育厅	2011.01-2013.12
    6. 可见光响应Ag-RE:Bi2MoO6复合光催化剂的控制合成和性能研究1253G036	黑龙江省教育厅	2013.6 - 2016 .6 
    7. 共轭杂化Bi2O2CO3光催化剂的活性增强和稳定性研究UNPYSCT-2015052	黑龙江省教育厅	2015.1-2017.12
    8. 黑龙江省留学归国项目	黑龙江省人社厅	2016.01-2018.12
    9. 表面修饰的ZnO微米花的可控生长及气敏性研究 2010RFQXG034	哈尔滨市科技局	2011.01-2012.10
    10. 纳米银修饰Bi2MoO6异质结的可控制备及光催化性能研究2014RFQXJ085	哈尔滨市科技局	2014.6-2017.6 
    1.	S.Y. Man, X.Y. Leng, J.L. Bai, S.H. Kan, Y.N. Cui, X.J. Wang and L.L. Xu, Enhancement of photoelectrochemical performance of BiFeO3 by Sm3+ doping, Ceramics International, 2023 (49), 7, 10255-10264.
    2.	S.Y. Man, X.Y. Leng, J.L. Bai, Z.Q. Li, L.L. Xu, Facile synthesis of BiFeO3/Bi2O3 composite photocathode with improved photoelectrochemical performance, Materials Letters 2022 (323) 15, 132591. 
    3.	B. Lei , D.D. Xu, B. Wei, T.F. Xie, Chunyu Xiao, W.L Jin , and L.L. Xu*, In Situ Synthesis of α-Fe2O3/Fe3O4 Heterojunction Photoanode via Fast Flame Annealing for Enhanced Charge Separation and Water Oxidation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021, 13, 3, 4785-4795. 
    4.	C.Y. Xiao, B. Lei, W.L. Jin, L.L. Xu*, Candle flame fabrication of carbon coated CuO-Cu2O composite photocathode for photoelectrochemical water reduction. Materials Letters 298, 130006. 
    5.	D. Dai, B. Wei*, Y. Li, X. Ma, S. Liang, L.L. Xu*, Self-supported Hierarchical Fe(PO3)2@Cu3P nanotube arrays for efficient hydrogen evolution in alkaline media. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 820, 153185. 
    6.	X. Ma, B. Wei*, M. Yuan, S. Liang, L.L. Xu*, Self-supported phosphorus-doped CoMoO4 rod bundles for efficient hydrogen evolution. Journal of Materials Science, 2020,55:6502-6512.
    7.	S. Liang, B. Wei, M. Yuan, X. Ma, D. Dai, L. L. Xu*, Self‐supported Reevesite Ni‐Fe Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheet Arrays for Efficient Water Oxidation. ChemistrySelect, 2020, 5(10): 3062-3068.
    8.	Y. Wu, R. Su, Wang Z., Z. Lü, L. L. Xu*, B. Wei*. Redox sculptured dual-scale porous nickel-iron foams for efficient water oxidation. Electrochimica Acta, 2019, 309, 415-423.
    9.	X. H. Liu, B. Wei, R. Su, C. G. Zhao, D. M. Dai, X. Ma, L. L. Xu*,Mo-doped Cobalt Phosphide Nanosheets for Efficient Hydrogen Generation in Alkaline Media. Energy Technology.2019, 7, 1900021 
    10.	B. Wei*, J. Feng, L. Zhu, Z. Wang, X. Zhu, X. Huang, L.L. Xu*, Z. Lü, Anodic polarization induced performance loss in GdBaCo2O5+δ oxygen electrode under solid oxide electrolysis cell conditions. J. Euro. Ceram. Soc. 2018,38(5) 2396-2403. 
    11.	N. Ma, B. Wei, W.L. Cao, H. Gao and L.L. Xu*, Carbon dots/Cu2MoS4 Nanosheets Hybrids with Efficient Photoelectrochemical Performance. Materials Letters. 2017, 197, 79-82. 
    12.	B. Geng, B. Wei, H, Gao, and L.L. Xu*, Ag2O nanoparticles decorated hierarchical Bi2MoO6 microspheres for efficient visible light photocatalysts. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2017,699, 783-787. 
    13.	W.L. Cao, B. Wei, X.L. Fu, N. Ma, H. Gao, and L.L. Xu*,Colored TiO2 hollow spheres for efficient water-splitting photocatalysts. RSC Advance, 2016,6, 108969. 
    14.	J.L. Wang, B. Wei, L.L. Xu*, H. Gao,W.J. Sun, J.X. Che. Multilayered MoS2 coated TiO2 hollow spheres for efficient Photodegradation of phenol under visible light irradiation. Materials Letters. 2016,179,42-46.
    15.	L.L. Fan, B. Wei, L.L. Xu*, Y. Liu, W.L. Cao, N. Ma and H. Gao, Ion Exchange Synthesis of Bi2MoO6/BiOI Heterojunctions for Photocatalytic Degradation and Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting. NANO: Brief Reports and Reviews. 2016, 11,1650095
    16.	Y. Liu, Bo Wei, L.L. Xu*, H. Gao, M.Y. Zhang, Generation of Oxygen Vacancy and OH Radicals: A Comparative Study of Bi2WO6 and Bi2WO6-x Nanoplates. ChemCatChem 2015, 7,4076-4084.
    17.	Z.Q. Hao, L.L. Xu*, B. Wei,. L.L. Fan, Y. Liu, M.Y. Zhang and H. Gao, Nanosize a-Bi2O3 decorated Bi2MoO6 via alkali etching process for enhanced photocatalytic performance. RSC Advances. 2015, 5,12346-12353.
    18.	H.J. Lu, L.L. Xu*, B. Wei, M.Y. Zhang, H. Gao, W.J. Sun, Enhanced photosensitization process induced by the p–n junction of Bi2O2CO3/BiOCl heterojunctions on the degradation of rhodamine B. Applied Surface Science. 2014, 303 ,360-366. 
    19.	G.Y. Cai , L.L. Xu*, B. Wei, J.X. Che, H. Gao, W.J. Sun, Facile synthesis of Bi2O3/ Bi2O2CO3 nanocomposite with high visible-light photocatalytic activity. Materials Letters 2014, 120,1–4. 
    20.	Y.Y. Yang, L.L. Xu*, C.Y. Su, J.X. Che, W.J. Sun, H. Gao. Electrospun ZnO/Bi2O3 Nanofibers with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity. Journal of Nanomaterials Volume 2014, Article ID 130539
    21.	L.L. Xu*, B. Wei, W.L. Liu, H.L. Zhang, C.Y. Su and J.X. Che. Flower-like ZnO-Ag2O composites: precipitation synthesis and photocatalytic activity. Nanoscale Research Letters. 2013, 8:536 
    22.	J.H. Yu, B. Wei, L. Zhu, H. Gao, W.J. Sun, L.L. Xu*. Flowerlike C-doped BiOCl nanostructures: Facile wet chemical fabrication and enhanced UV photocatalytic properties. Applied Surface Science. 2013, 284, 497-502 
    23.	H.L. Zhang, B.Wei,L. Zhu, J.H. Yu,W.J. Sun,L.L. Xu*. Cation exchange synthesis of ZnS-Ag2S microspheric composites with enhanced photocatalytic activity. Applied Surface Science. 2013, 270, 133-138.
    24.	L. Zhu, B. Wei, L.L. Xu*, Z. Lu, H.L. Zhang, H. Gao and J.X. Che, Ag2O-Bi2O3composites: synthesis, characterization and high efficient photocatalytic activities. CrystEngComm. 2012, 14, 5705-5709. 
    25.	W. Lv, B. Wei, L.L. Xu*, H. L. Zhang, Photocatalytic properties of hierarchical ZnO flowers synthesized by a sucrose-assisted hydrothermal method. Applied Surface Science.2012, 259, 557–561
    26.	刘佳,徐玲玲*,张海霖,吕威,朱琳,高红,张喜田. 一步水热法在Al掺杂ZnO纳米盘上可控自组装合成ZnO纳米棒阵列. 物理学报, 2012, 61(2), 27802 
    27.	J. Liu, L.L. Xu*, B. Wei, H. Gao, X. T. Zhang. One-Step Hydrothermal Synthesis and Optical Properties of Aluminum Doped ZnO Hexagonal Nanoplates on Zinc Substrate. CrystEngComm. 2011, 13, 1283-1286. Hot Article 
    28.	W. Jiang, H. Gao, L.L. Xu*, J.N. Ma, E Zhang, P. Wei, J.Q Lin, Optoelectronic characterisation of an individual ZnO nanowire in contact with a micro-grid template. Chinese Physics B, 2011,20 (3):037307
    29.	L.L. Xu*, H. Gao, Z.M. Li,W. Lv, J. Liu. Microstructures and Photoluminescence Properties of Three-Dimensional Multi-Layered ZnO Flowers by Surfactant-Free Hydrothermal Method. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 2011,11(5), 10940-10944
    30.	L.L. Xu*, Y.Q. Sheng, J. Liu, D. Zhai, Z.G. Zhang. Co-doping Effects of Zn2+ on Upconversion Luminescence of Gd2O3:Er Nanophosphors. ECS Transactions. 2010, 28(3)121-127.
    31.	L.L. Xu, Z.M. Li, Q.H. Cai, H.X. Wang, H. Gao, W. Lv, J. Liu. Precursor Template Synthesis of Three-dimensional Mesoporous ZnO Hierarchical Structures and Their Photocatalytic Properties. CrystEngComm. 2010, 12: 2166-2172.
    32.	L.L. Xu, B. Wei,, W. An, Z. Lü, H. Gao, Y. Zhang and Z.G. Zhang, Effects of sucrose concentration on morphology and luminescence performance of Gd2O3:Eu, Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2008,460(1-2)524-528. 
    33.	L.L. Xu, Y.N. Yu, Y.G. Zhang, X.G. Li, G. Somesfalean, Z.G. Zhang. Synthesis and Upconversion Properties of Monoclinic Gd2O3:Er3+ Nanocrystals. Optical Materials. 2008, 30:1284-1288.
    34.	L. L. Xu, B. Wei, Z.G. Zhang, Z. Lü, H. Gao, Y. Zhang, Synthesis and luminescence of europium doped yttria nanophosphors via a sucrose-templated combustion method, Nanotechnology, 2006,17, 4327-4331 
    35.     X. Leng, J. Bai, Z. Dai, S. Man, B. Lei, J. Yao, L. Bai, H. Gao, LL. Xu, A tungsten phosphide cocatalyst enhanced bismuth tungstate photoanode with the robust built-in electric field towards highly efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2024 661,1-11
    36.     J.X. Wang, X. Leng, S. Kan, Y. Cui, J. Bai, L.L. Xu, Oxygen vacancies boosted photoelectrochemical performance of α-Fe2O3 photoanode via butane flame annealing, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2024, 976, 5 172990